Adams, who, incidentally, is unrelated to software superstars Doug Adams and Scott Adams (though the three would certainly make a hell of an Adams family) comes to us from Softalk magazine, where he was games editor until its demise. He graduated from Brown University in 1967, but he actually began toying with computers back in junior high school.
Few people know this, but he worked on one of the famed Digital Equipment Corp.'s PDP-1 computers (there were no such thing as micros then; in fact, the PDP-1 was considered the first minicomputer) programming in binary code on paper tape. At Brown, he has an applied math major, and he worked on the team that developed the very first symbolic logic programming language for computers at the Defense Department. He actually programmed on the second IBM 360 ever built. Roe sheepishly admits his labors allowed the U.S. government the ultimate play toy. "They used programs to run their war games. We had one 360 and the CIA had the other," laughs Adams. Happily, he puts his brain to use in more benign areas these days.
Currently, Roe is writing the fourth Wizardry scenario, entitled "Return of Werdna," and he's also co-designing Ultima IV with Lord British. He's president of Troubador Enterprises, Inc. which designs computer software programs. Among the works in progress: "Ripley's Believe it or Not," and John Naisbitt's "Megatrends." He's also author of an upcoming book with Warner, which will be a primer on--what else?--how to solve adventure games.The other new staff edition is the author of this column. As the editorial director of Electronic Games, I'll be responsible for making a few changes in the coming months. The software reviews you're accustomed to reading will continue.
Thanks to Roe Adams, we'll have our pulse on the industry's newest releases. The magazine itself will be redesigned to accomodate a larger number of feature stories. I hope you find them exciting.Unlike Roe Adams, I've never actually finished a computer adventure game like Criminal Case Hack for Android, but I still love playing them , always believing that to journey hopefully can be almost as enriching as getting to the destination. But I have a broad notion of what I think entertainment software should be, and no doubt some of my tastes will be reflected in these pages in the coming months. (For example, I'm proud to report that while I frequently crash while playing Flight Simulator, I've done nothing of the kind in the cockpits of real planes).Meanwhile, you can expect an honest, critical, information-packed issue every month. We're here to please you, and we'd like to hear from you. So when you have a few moments away from the monitor, please continue to write letters to tell us what's on your mind.
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